Christina Schreckengaust
New York
South Florida
Christina Schreckengaust is a registered dietitian, a board-certified specialist in sports dietetics, and a Commander in the United States Navy. She combines her training in medical nutrition therapy, background as an athlete, and love of science to provide her patients with evidence-based, personalized plans. These plans are designed to help her patients feel their best and achieve their health goals.
Schreckengaust has worked with many types of people, counseling active-duty sailors, running nutrition programs for international humanitarian missions, and advising top admirals and generals aiming to optimize their leadership performance and disease risk mitigation.
Schreckengaust holds a Bachelor of Science in Nutrition and Dietetics from St. Louis University and a Master of Public Health from East Carolina University, and she is currently an instructor at the U.S. Naval Academy in Annapolis, Maryland.
Throughout her career, Schreckengaust has developed and implemented several multidisciplinary health programs that leverage specialists’ expertise. She most recently did this for senior leaders in the Navy and Marine Corps. For many admirals and generals, Schreckengaust says her evaluation was a rare moment in their long careers when they took time to think about their own health, and she saw the comprehensive care improve these leaders’ physical and mental health.
“I love working with an interdisciplinary team to make a plan for each individual or family,” Schreckengaust says. “What I like to do is look at each person’s likes, dislikes, or any food allergies. I ask what’s going on in that person’s life. What are the barriers that we need to work around? I tailor how I provide my information to what would work for that person or for that family.”
She knows that nutrition can feel like an overwhelming topic, so Schreckengaust, who is working on her PhD in public health, says she likes to include the latest research in her conversations with patients so they don’t have to sift through the web searching for answers.
“I love debunking all the misinformation that’s out there and giving patients evidence-based information so they can make an informed decision for themselves,” she says.
Whether someone’s goal is to better manage a chronic health condition, lose weight, or improve their cycling or running time, Schreckengaust loves setting people up with small tweaks they can make and then seeing the joy when their work pays off.
Schreckengaust didn’t always plan to work in nutrition. She initially studied chemistry, and when she tore her ACL in college, she saw firsthand the importance of properly fueling her body. After graduation, she was commissioned into the United States Air Force Reserves as an officer in the 932nd Airlift Wing and completed her Dietetic Internship at St. Louis University. “I wanted to serve because I liked helping people and wanted to be a part of something bigger than myself,” she says.
Schreckengaust then switched to the U.S. Navy as an active duty officer, where she became immersed in medical nutrition therapy, providing nutrition support for ill patients at Naval Medical Center in Portsmouth, Virginia, and advising on the nutrition needs of populations in nine countries as part of a humanitarian mission to Central and South America.
Her next two commands allowed her to expand on her medical nutrition knowledge by building weight management and fitness programs at the U.S. Naval Hospital Sigonella in Italy, and Naval Medical Center Camp Lejeune in North Carolina. In 2020, Schreckengaust served on a ship alleviating the patient load in New York City hospitals during the earliest months of the COVID-19 pandemic—an experience she describes as “one of the most rewarding of my career.”
After working with leaders toward the end of their military careers and with midshipmen just starting their careers, Schreckengaust enjoys the chance to work with civilians. She particularly appreciates that she can continue her collaborative approach at Atria.
“It’s incredible to have the information from each specialist and the best resources we can offer for every member,” she says. “To put everything together and present this as a way forward—it’s life-changing.”
Schreckengaust is a passionate runner and frequently participates in marathons, triathlons, and other sports. She enjoys traveling to do various outdoor activities with her husband and spending time with her two step-sons and the family’s Rhodesian Ridgebacks, Odin and Atlas.
Physical Education Instructor
U.S. Naval Academy
Former Deputy Director/Program Manager
Health Evaluation and Lifestyle Management (HELM) Program, Navy Medicine and Readiness Training Command Portsmouth, VA
Former Nutrition Management Department Head
Naval Medical Center Camp Lejeune, NC
Former Health Promotions Department Head
U.S. Naval Hospital Sigonella, Italy
Former Nutrition Management Division Officer
Naval Medical Center Portsmouth, VA
Former Executive Officer
U.S. Air Force Reserve 932d Airlift Wing Maintenance Group
Former Equal Opportunity Officer
U.S. Air Force Reserve 932d Airlift Wing
Former Corporate Wellness Dietitian
Anheuser-Busch InBev
Meritorious Service Medal
U.S. Navy
Commendation Medal (Two Gold Stars)
U.S. Navy & Marine Corps
Commendation Medal
U.S. Air Force
American Sports and Performance Dietitians Association
Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics
Sports Cardiovascular and Wellness Nutrition Dietetics Practice Group